How to grow Ctenanthe marantifolia from cuttings

Ctenanthe marantifolia
  • Common name(s): Prayer Plant
  • Family: Marantaceae
  • Stem cuttings: yes
  • Leaf cuttings: no
  • Root cuttings/runners: yes short runners
  • Time: the year round
  • Lighting: bright without direct sun
  • Soil: mixes for indoor plants, cacti or herbs
  • Temperature: 22 to 30 °C
  • New growth after: 6 to 10 weeks
  • More infos: place the cuttings in a indoor green house or cover the pot with a freezer bag. For the first weeks Ctenanthe marantifolia keep its leaves folded day and night. Some of them will dry. After the first roots have shown the leaves are open during daytime and closing in the evening.

Ctenanthe marantifolia

Ctenanthe marantifolia

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