How to grow False Shamrock (Oxalis triangularis) from rhizome cuttings

Oxalis triangularis rhizome cuttings

False Shamrock (Oxalis triangularis) can be easily propagated by dividing its rhizomes. They can be cut into several parts with a scissor or a sharp knife.

False Shamrock rhizomes
The rhizomes of False Shamrock are covered with scales and reach up to five centimeters in length.

This plant can be grown from

Leaf cuttings: no, shoot cuttings: no, rhizome cuttings: yes, seeds: yes

False Shamrock propagation


A good time is after the winter dormancy in spring.

Oxalis triangularis False Shamrock


Bright with morning sun or evening sun.


Mixes for indoor plants, herbs, vegetables or bird sand. As it can be seen clearly in the pictures, I used bird sand.


59 to 86 °F (15 to 30 °C)

New growth after

At 68 to 72 °F (20 to 22 °C) the first roots and leaves appear after 7 to 10 days.

More infos

So that the small rhizome cuttings do not become dry, it is good if the growing pot is covered. Once the leaves are about five centimeters high, the covering can be removed.

Oxalis triangularis Sanne
Oxalis triangularis “Sanne”

Oxalis triangularis

The wild type of Oxalis triangularis is native to South America (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay).

This member of the wood sorrel family, which is known as False Shamrock, can grow up to 25 centimeters in height and show its flowers from late spring to fall.

In addition to the popular red-leaved cultivars, varieties with speckled leaves are also available. Which can bloom in pink or white.

Oxalis triangularis Irish Mist
Oxalis triangularis “Irish Mist”
Oxalis triangularis Amber
Oxalis triangularis “Amber”
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