How to grow Lilium lancifolium from cuttings

Lilium lancifolium (syn. L. tigrinum)
  • Common name(s): Tiger Lily, Easter Lily and others
  • Family: Liliaceae
  • Stem cuttings: no
  • Leaf cuttings: no
  • Root cuttings/runners: yes bulbils
  • Time: spring to early summer
  • Lighting: bright to shaded
  • Soil: mixes for cacti and succulents, indoor plants, herbs, vegetables
  • Temperature: 15 to 30 °C
  • New growth after: first bulbils are shown after 4 to 6 weeks, leaves and roots start to grow after 8 to 10 weeks
  • More infos: the bulb cuttings can be grown in soil but also do good if placed in a seed sprouter. Keep the soil moist but not soggy. Air and water the cuttings in the sprouter every day.
    Adult Tiger Lilies also form bulblets in the leaf axils.

Lilium lancifolium

Lilium lancifolium

Lilium lancifolium

Lilium lancifolium

Lilium lancifolium

Lilium lancifolium

Lilium lancifolium

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