How to grow the Tiger Kalanchoe (Kalanchoe humilis) from leaf cuttings

Kalanchoe humilis

Tiger Kalanchoe, Tiger Stripes Kalanchoe

This plant can be grown from

Stem cuttings and leaf cuttings

Kalanchoe humilis


Best time is from spring to early fall. But if placed part sunny and warm the Tiger Kalanchoe cuttings will also root in winter.

Kalanchoe humilis


Bright to part sunny with morning, evening and winter sun. As soon as the roots look like in the picture above, also hot summer sun will be tolerated.

Kalanchoe humilis


Mixes for cacti and succulents or mixes for indoor plants, herbs, vegetables. Bird sand can also be used.


18 to 30 °C (64 to 86 °F)

New growth after

At 18 to 22 °C (64 to 72 °F) the first roots appear after 8 to 10 weeks.

More infos

The images are showing a cultivar named “Desert Surprise”.